In 2017 the Yountville Chamber of Commerce began a pivot in the organization’s strategic direction, focusing on the modern needs of our members, our town and beyond.
Below are highlights of the chamber’s successes over the past fiscal year (July 2023 – June 2024).
The Yountville Chamber of Commerce wears two hats.
We serve as a traditional chamber of commerce and as the destination marketing organization for Yountville.
We are proud of this dual role and believe our community is stronger because of it.
The Yountville Chamber of Commerce has four key values that drive everything we do.
Each of our successes ties back to one or more of these four key values.

Building a Thriving Community
We believe in cultivating strong relationships between businesses and strong relationships between businesses and residents.

Being Your Champion
We believe in improving the economic well-being and quality of life in our community.

Driving Commerce
We believe in providing the tools, resources and opportunities to help grow member businesses.

Promoting Yountville
We believe in marketing and promoting Yountville as the premier small-town destination.
The most important roles a chamber of commerce has is building a thriving community of connected people.
This connectivity enables us to go farther together.
Networking Mixers
Our Networking Mixers continue to be incredibly popular, as folks are looking to reconnect with one another. Since July 2023, we have had over 1,700 Business and Associate Members attend. We hold 10 Mixers each year, click here to view the schedule.
Associate Membership Program
Our Associate Member program continues to thrive. This membership is for residents of Yountville, who want to be informed about what is happening in town and stay connected with our business community. We now have over 150 Associate Members, and a wait list to join the program! Click here to learn more about the program.
Yountville Mustard Celebration
In 2022, the Napa Valley Mustard Celebration was reborn by artist Jessel Miller, bringing back a loved tradition of celebrating the mustard in Napa Valley and driving traffic during the shoulder season. We chose to produce the Yountville Mustard Celebration, featuring wine tasting and mustard bites by Blossom Catering, an event designed and priced for locals, celebrating the season. Jessel was also in attendance, selling beautiful artwork. We had over 230 attend the event, and are already planning for next year, it was a smashing success!
The Yountville Chamber is a fierce champion for a stronger community.
This begins with a balance between our businesses and our residents.
Economic Vitality Through Events
This past year, we leaned into event marketing to champion economic vitality. We brought back Taste of Yountville, nearly selling out the event, bringing in visitors to town, and partnering with local Tasting Rooms. Additionally, our week long Yountville Pride Celebrations generated positive economic impact in town, along with creating joy for all that participated.
Napa County Industry and Education Collaborative
The Yountville Chamber is proud to co-chair this group of education, community and business leaders from across Napa Valley working together to create a countywide workforce development strategy. As the leading issue facing businesses here in Yountville and Napa Valley, it is imperative we are building a talent pipeline of workforce in our own community. It begins with career exploration and education, then career fairs, internships, mentorships, and hopefully leading to young people wanting to live and work in the Napa Valley.
Napa County Career Fair
We partnered with the Napa Valley College, Napa Valley Chamber Coalition and Workforce Alliance of the North Bay to produce the Napa County Career Fair. The Career Fair took place in Spring 2024 with over 100 employers participating. Having these types of events for our businesses to participate in, is an essential part of recruiting new employees and connecting with our greater community.
We are a catalyst for business growth and strengthenin gour local economy. At the core of this is provigin out busineses with the tools and resources they need to thrive.
Holidays in Yountville
In its 7th year, Holidays in Yountville is designed to generate commerce and drive visitors to Yountville over the six-week holiday season. Featuring a calendar of over 100 unique experiences for both visitors and locals alike. This year we also partnered with The Boys & Girls Clubs of Napa Valley to add a giving back component to the program.
Bi-Weekly Newsletters
A great example of the chamber providing tools our businesses need to thrive are our bi-weekly E-newsletter and our monthly Associate Member E-newsletter. Our bi-weekly E-newsletter features local, regional and state updates, upcoming chamber events, community news, member events and more. The average open rate is 42%, industry average is 21%. Our Associate Member E-newsletter, features community events, chamber events, discounts for members, and more. The average open rate is a staggering 75%!
Professional Development Webinar Series
Our webinar series is designed to provide our members with information they wouldn’t necessarily have access to on a regular basis. For instance, this year, our webinars focused on retirement planning, the AI revolution, goal setting and 2024 labor laws. Over 250 people have participated in these webinars this year and the recordings are available on our YouTube Channel.
We are proud to promote Yountville and the Napa Valley as a premier destination.
Get Inspired Blog on
Our Get Inspired Blog enables us to tell the story of Yountville and also share experiences at member businesses. We strive to post four blogs a month; upcoming events, member spotlight, community events, and current holiday or activity focused (like hiking or walking for example). We share these blogs across our many platforms, including social media, E-newsletter, in our Yountville Welcome Center and more. We post a new blog each week!
Yountville Visitor Guide and Map
The Yountville Visitor Guide, is both printed and available digitally on our website, It features a narrative about the destination, along with sample itineraries, member highlights and our Yountville Map. A total of 15,000 copies were printed and distributed over the past year in Yountville and throughout the Napa Valley. The Yountville Map, is printed twice per year, once in the Spring and one in the Fall. We print 20,000 copies of the Map, it is distributed to all of the businesses in Town, and handed out at the Yountville Welcome Center.
Yountville Welcome Center
The Yountville Welcome Center saw over 15,000 visitors over the past year, making over 10,000 referrals. We have 34 volunteers who run the Welcome Center, open 7 days a week, Monday – Friday, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday – Sunday from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Stop by to say hello and pick up a Yountville map!
Our destination marketing focused website saw large growth over the past year. It is a beautiful showcase of Yountville and our members. We saw over 365,000 unique visitors to over the last year.
We are very proud of our award winning website We saw over 12,000 visitors to the site over the past year. We are still growing our audience for this website, but we are making good progress. serves as a one stop shop for our members and community. Featuring business spotlights via our Blog, member resourves, overview of chamber programs, community event calendar, and more.
Social Media Followers
We have over 93,469 social media followers across five major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and TikTok. Follow us via the links below for the latest Yountville content.
Our Digital Advertising Campaign ran from July 2023 – June 2024, promoting the destination of Yountville.
Impressions across five channels: Facebook/Instagram, Google AdWords, Google Display Network, and YouTube
This year we entered into the seventh year of our Digital Marketing Advertising Campaign. The objective of this campaign was to implement a multi-channel, paid advertising plan to generate awareness of Yountville and increase visitation.
Clicks to
Our campaign generated over 74,133 thousand click throughs to
Average Seconds on
On average visitors to spent an average of 32 seconds on site.
Video Views on YouTube
Our “Art of the Stroll” video and “Join us for a Stroll” video on YouTube saw a combined 1,456,662 total views.
Website Visitors received over 365,000 visitors in the fiscal year 2023-2024.
Media Impressions
Yountville earned over 571,910,381 Digital and Print Media Impressions via our Public Relations Team, Fuller & Sander Communications during the fiscal year 2023-2024.
Yountville was featured in the following magazines, websites and blogs: Bon Appetit, Sunset Magazine, SF Chronicle, City Style and Living Magazine and more.
6484 Washington St., Suite F
Yountville, CA 94599
Monday–Friday: 9AM – 4PM
(707) 944-0904
Follow Us for More Yountville